ChatGPT for Beginners

Jumpstart your AI skills with beginner-friendly ChatGPT prompts and essential prompt engineering techniques.

Accordion with Copy to Clipboard

Prompt Engineering Techniques

Start Simple

Begin with straightforward questions or prompts to get a feel for how ChatGPT responds.

What's an interesting fact about the Milky Way galaxy?

Be Specific

The more detailed your prompt, the better the response. Start with a clear and specific request. Vague prompts lead to vague responses. For example, instead of "Suggest a meal plan" try something more specific.

Can you provide a meal plan for a vegan athlete looking to increase protein intake over the next week?

Use Conversational Language

Talk to ChatGPT conversationally. ChatGPT is better at understanding full questions rather than just random words. The better models get, the better they get at understanding conversational language.

I'm trying to decide between two job offers; can you help me weigh the pros and cons?

Ask Follow-Up Questions

Ask additional questions if you need more information or clarification. Also, if the response isn't quite right, ask ChatGPT to clarify or rephrase.

Can you provide more details on that topic?

Set Context

Provide context when necessary to get more relevant responses.

I'm planning a trip to Japan in the winter. What are some must-see attractions?

Ask for Examples

If you need practical illustrations or ideas, request examples.

Can you give me an example of a good resume summary?

Give Examples

Giving ChatGPT examples of what you’re looking for is a great way to get better results. Show it what good looks like and what you want it to emulate.

Can you suggest some easy and healthy dinner recipes? Here's an example of what I'm looking for: A simple and healthy dinner idea is a grilled chicken salad. Just grill some chicken breasts, slice them up, and toss them with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and a light vinaigrette.

Act As

One of the best ways to get good results is to ask ChatGPT to act as a specific role or persona to get tailored responses.

Act as a personal financial advisor and help me create a budget plan to save for a house.

Specify Tone

You can specify the tone that you would like the response to be in.

Can you write an email to my landlord about my rent increase please? The tone should be polite, friendly and professional

Explain Like I'm 5

Ask ChatGPT to explain complex topics in simple terms.

Can you explain photosynthesis like I'm 5?

Leverage for Learning

Use ChatGPT as a learning tool to explore new subjects or enhance your knowledge.

Teach me the basics of HTML coding.

Specify Output Format

Tell ChatGPT the format you would like the response to be in. For example, tables, bulleted lists, numbered lists, email etc.

Create a healthy meal plan for one week. Output should be a table.

Put it all together

Combine these prompting techniques to get great results!

I'm starting my own online handmade jewelry business and could use your help. First, can you act as a branding expert and suggest a catchy business name and tagline? Please provide a few options. Also, explain the basics of setting up an online store on Etsy like I'm five years old. Lastly, could you write a friendly and engaging 'About Us' section for my website? Keep the tone warm and inviting.

Advanced ChatGPT || ChatGPT Frameworks || XMLPromptToolBuilt by David